What We Do

Our Provided Services

Welcome to Pentogon, your trusted partner for custom software development solutions. We specialize in creating innovative, scalable, and tailor-made software applications that empower businesses to thrive in the digital age. With our deep expertise, cutting-edge technologies, and commitment to excellence, we are your ideal choice for turning your software ideas into reality.

E-commerce Software Development

E-commerce software development is an ongoing process, and it's important to continually update and improve your platform to provide the best experience for customers and maximize business success.


Domain Name and Hosting

Choose a domain name that reflects the website's identity and purpose. Select a web hosting provider to make the website accessible on the internet.


iOS / Android

iOS and Android are two of the most popular mobile operating systems, each with its own ecosystem, development environment, and user base.


Front-End Development

Front-end development is a dynamic field that continues to evolve with new technologies and design trends. Successful front-end developers stay up-to-date with the latest tools and best practices to create engaging and responsive web experiences for users.

Check our Client Projects

Work Showcase

Data CenterAnalytics

Knowledgebase Website

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Case Study
Cloud SupportAnalytics

Multipurpose CMS

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Case Study
Cloud SupportCyber Support

Ecoomerce Website

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Case Study
Cloud SupportCyber Support

Google Chrome Extension

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Case Study
AnalyticsCyber Support

Develop IOS App

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Case Study
AnalyticsCyber Support

Develop A Mobile App

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Case Study

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info@pentogon.com 02083483945

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5-13 New Street Sai Ying Pun Head Office Hong Kong

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Mon-Sun: 8am-5pm


We're excited to have you here. At Pentogon, we're dedicated to delivering top-notch software solutions that cater to your unique needs. Here's why you're in the right place.